Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Favorite Songs

Just to have something to sort of write about -haha- here are some of my favorite songs and respective music genres.  I'm sure you'll notice that Country Music and Christian Contemperary Music is at the top, but the music I am listening to is expanding.

So if you read this and watch some of the videos don't forget to subscribe and +1 this page.  Leave a comment at the bottom to let me know what are some of your favorite songs.

So here we go:

      Now this first one comes from the group Mighty Oaks.  It is called Brother.  In case you haven't caught on yet, the concept of Brotherhood is extremely important to me.  Brothers aren't based on blood, they are your closest friends who have been there for you through everything.  Now I love my two blood brothers a lot, but I also have best friends who are brothers to me.
      One of the surprising things that I have learned is that there are very few country songs that are about Brothers, which I think is weird.  If you know of any other songs about brothers, drop them in the comments.

      This song comes from the group Downhere and is called How many Kings?.  This song was recommended to me a couple months ago, but it is still one of my favorites.  It talks about the love that God has for his creation, by sending his one and only son to die on a cross to become the perfect sacrifice for humankind.  This is a really good song.

      Well as a history major - haha - I gotta put one of my favorite Billy Joel songs on this list.  It's called We didn't start the Fire.  I love this song so much.  It is fast paced and has so much history packed into this song, describing stuff that happened in the world starting at the end of World War II to more of the modern era.

      I just really like this song by The Animals called The House of the Rising Sun.  It is an interesting song, that has just the right pacing.  The lyrics are very interesting to listen to as well.  I also love the instruments they use in this song.  Plus The Animals are pretty good anyway.

      Gosh I love this song.  It is called Drive by Alan Jackson.  I love listening to this song when I'm sitting up here in my dorm room thinking about home, or when I go on a long road trip.  This song reminds me of home so much.  It makes me happy to listen to this one - haha.

      Oh George Strait is definitely one of my favorite Country Singers.  This song is called True.  I just love the lyrics and the music to this song.  It has a nice beat and good theme, like all good old real country songs have.  George Strait is the best - haha.  What are some of your favorite Country Songs?  Drop them in the comments.

      Then of course there are The All-American Rejects.  This song is Move Along and I love it.  This song has a really good life lesson in it.  Leave that up to you to decide what that it is though :)
The All-American Rejects are one of my favorite bands.  They have a lot of really good songs.  But this one is probably my favorite one by them.

      I think that most people would agree with me that the Tarzan's songs were some of the best in the Disney Movies.  This is just one of the great ones by Phil Collins called Strangers like Me.  This song has a lot of good themes in it, and just really good music; and the lyrics are spot on.  What are some of your favorite Disney movie songs?  Put them in the comments :)

      David Crowder is amazing, and has always been one of my favorite Christian Contemporary artists.  This song is called Come as you Are.  This song speaks deeply to me and the story of how God has worked wonders in my life.  I love this song so much.  It reminds me that yes, I have a loving God who does care about me, even though I live in a broken world.  Yes, David Crowder's song is a very good one.

      Oh, how I love this song.  It is called Grace Wins by Matthew West.  I really love this song.  The song starts kind of looking down on yourself, as we often do.  However, when you get to the chorus it reminds us of hope and the grace of a loving God.  This song speaks a lot to me and to the journey that I have walked so far in my life.  I especially love towards the end of the song how it lists all the people who were saved by Grace.  This song is fast paced, but so spot on.  I love it a lot.

So yeah.  Those are some the songs that I really like listening to.  Don't forget to subscribe to this page and +1 it.  If you found this post on Facebook, share it to your timeline.  Comment down below or on Facebook some of your favorite songs that you love listening to.  If there are a few things in the world that can bring people together, it is music.


Picture taken by me

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Monday, February 20, 2017

Thank You

Trying to keep up with writing is ridiculous 😁
But I love it so much.

Today I'm just gonna write about things I'm thankful for because that's always a good thing to do; especially when trying to keep a positive attitude :)

I am thankful for my country life.  I am thankful for where I come from.  I may not have left the United States, but I have still seen some amazing places within her borders.  Mountains are always beautiful.  Southern backwoods country areas are beautiful.  It's almost as if God just took a paint brush and perfectly created a masterpiece.

However, out of all the places in the world, my heart will always be in Silver Lake, Indiana - my home where I grew up.  Most of Northern Indiana has been stripped away of the forests that once stood there.  Luckily, I lived in a place that still had a lot of those trees standing.  Luckily, I grew up in an amazing farming community.  Luckily, I have a loving family.

A lot of my values naturally come out of this small community.  My Christian faith journey started in that little small town Indiana.  And what a great story that is.  My two brothers taught me so much about life, and what family truly means.  My parents have always encouraged me and loved me.  My Church Family has always supported me in what I have done, even when I started doing things with the Youth Group at our Church.  And now that I am at College, trying to become a History Teacher, my Church Family still stays in contact with me and supports me.

So much has happened in the past three years.  There has been a lot of growing and letting go.  I would never say there haven't been hard times because there were many; and I have no doubt that the future holds more hard times.  But character is tested when your back is up against the wall.  I doubt that I would have changed as much as I have, if weren't for specific people that walked into my life.

My Academic Adviser here at school has guided me through much.  He has told me so many stories about his own life and has encouraged me through the rough moments in my own life.  He has only increased my love for History and for working with students.  He has always been a source of wisdom since my first days on my college campus.  In fact, I believe he was the first College Faculty member that I met here.  Thank you.

My RA for my Freshmen year.  He is an amazing person.  He has encouraged me so much and has pushed me to overcome my circumstances.  He has always encouraged me to write while he was still here, before he graduated.  Because of him, my love of writing increased.  My RA from Freshmen year helped me to process through so many things.  Thank you.

One of my closest friends I met here, who no longer goes here, helped remind me how to open my heart towards others.  He guided me to be willing to accept help when I needed it.  He gave me strength when I felt like giving up so many times.  I believe because of my experiences with him and his help, I will become a better teacher and leader.  Thank you.

My Roommate for two years - haha.  I don't know where I'd be without his amazing discussions.  He is wise and amazing to listen to.  He always can get a laugh out of everyone.  He has only made my love for writing increase.  He has encouraged me with my writing more than anyone else.  His ability to have story ideas pop into his head is beyond amazing.  Thank you.

Finally there is this guy.  This man who is a brother to me.  I honestly don't know where I'd be without his help.  He has been there for me more than anyone while I have been here on campus.  He has helped me overcome many of the problems I face.  He has helped me process things and see the light at the end of the storm.  I don't even think I can describe the blessing that he is in my life.  I thank to God that this brother of mine was placed into my life.  He is a natural born leader and I have no doubt that where ever God takes him, he will be a blessing to those around him.  Thank you bub.

All five of you know who you are.  And truthfully, no words can describe how thankful I am for you.  We say as Christians that we reflect the image of God in us - Imago Dei.  Well, these five people truly are  those who have been strong Christian influences in my life.

Thank you to all that I have mentioned.  You all have played a valuable role in my life, and really thanks can't even describe the amount of gratitude I have towards you.