

Greetings and Welcome!

This Blog was made in 2016 with the original intention of sharing things relating to my story and throwing some bad jokes out there.  It evolved into me adding movie and TV reviews.  Eventually, I started adding pages to my blog to better navigate.  Then I decided - shoot, I graduated college as a Social Studies Education Major (History Teacher), why don't I add that too?  So then I added a new page that will continue to be updated as I go along.

I encourage you to read and leave comments on all of my posts.  Comments/constructive criticism is great!  I want as much as I can get.  It helps me know what readers like and don't like, and it helps me see different perspectives on the things I post.  

Finally, all I hope is that you enjoy it.  This is something fun for me to create and I thought it would be fun to share it with you, the reader, too.  

Enjoy and have an Epic Day!

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